Assortment UPD
A best seller and perfect for gifting, this assortment includes signature classics from Bridgewater Chocolate and is packed in our iconic blue box. A variety of caramels, toffees, Törtéls (nuts and caramel), solid Belgian chocolate, peanut butter and other chocolate selections are included. All confections are carefully dipped in our own blend of the finest milk and /or dark chocolate. See product detail for full listing of pieces.
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An assortment is a collection of related products that you assign to a commerce channel, such as a brick-and-mortar store or an online store. You use assortments to identify the products that are available in each store. An assortment can include categories of products. Therefore, all products that are assigned to a specific category are included in the assortment. An assortment can also include specific products and specific variants of products. By setting up an assortment, you can assign thousands of products to your channels at that same time, in any combination that your stores require. You can set up as many product assortments as you require. Each product can be included in one or more assortments, and each assortment can be assigned to one or more channels. For example, you define one assortment that includes a base set of products. All stores receive this assortment. You then define another assortment that includes only large sporting equipment. Only your larger stores receive this assortment. The following diagram shows how products can be assigned to assortments, and how those assortments can be assigned to channels.
Dynamics 365 Commerce provides assortments that let you manage product availability across channels. Assortments determine which products are available at specific stores and during a specific period.
In Commerce, an assortment is a mapping of one or more channels (or groups of channels, when organization hierarchies are used) to one or more products (or groups of products, when category hierarchies are used).
In situations where multiple channels share the same product assortments, you can configure the assortments by using the Commerce assortment organization hierarchy. When nodes from this hierarchy are added, all channels in that node and its child nodes will be included.
Similarly, on the product side, you can include groups of products by using product category hierarchies. You can configure assortments by including one or more category hierarchy nodes. In this case, the assortment will include all products in that category node and its child nodes.
In addition to including products and categories in assortments, you can use the Exclude option to define specific products or categories that should be excluded from assortments. In the following example, you want to include all the products in a specific category, except product 2. In this case, you don't have to define the assortment product by product or create additional category nodes. Instead, you can just include the category but exclude the product.
Assortments are defined at a global level and can contain channels from multiple legal entities. The products and categories that are included in assortments are also shared across legal entities. However, a product must be released before it can actually be sold, ordered, counted, or received in the channel (for example, in the point of sale [POS]). Therefore, although two stores in different legal entities can share an assortment that contains the same products, the products are available only if they have been released to those legal entities.
Assortments can be defined with specific channels and products or by including organization units and categories. Assortments including references to these groups are considered dynamic assortments. If the definition or contents of those groups change while the assortment is active, the definition of the assortment will also change.
For example, an assortment is originally defined and published so that it references a category of products. If additional products are later added to the category, those products are automatically included in the definition of the existing assortment. You don't have to manually add the products to the assortment. Similarly, if an organization unit is added to a different node, the organization unit's assortment is automatically adjusted based on that definition.
You can "stop" released products for the sales process by turning on a setting in the Default order settings. This setting is most often used when a product is at the end of its life and should not be sold at any channel. Assortments respect this setting, and stopped products won't be assorted, regardless of the assortment configuration.
Assortments are date-effective. Therefore, retailers can configure when products should or should not be available per channel. You can define and publish assortments ahead of time, and specify the start and end dates. The products will automatically become available or unavailable on the specified dates.
If product data doesn't exist in the channel database, the POS makes real-time calls to headquarters to retrieve the required information, so that the product can be sold, returned, or put on a customer order. Product information that is retrieved in this manner is available only during the scope of that transaction. The product isn't added to the assortment definition. Therefore, subsequent real-time calls will be made as required.
This popular gift assortment was inspired by European-style chocolates from the 1920's, and contains 20 pieces carefully packed into a signature lilac gift box. A customer favorite that everyone will love!
Retail inventory planning defines and optimizes your assortment, placement, pricing, promotions, and product lifecycles to identify more profitable inventory investments. Retail AI and ML help to make better decisions on assortments, offers, inventory placement, forecasts, planning, buying, and pricing that align with business objectives.
Align assortments using a highly visual, end-to-end workflow. Define and execute local market and microsite assortments, improve conversion of traffic into higher sales/margins, and increase customer satisfaction.
AI and automation help to provide an effective assortment strategy to maximize return on inventory investment. By factoring in assortment trends or attribute mix from last year, style-color performance by location, and one-off and special buys, get a recommended rate of sale and target options as a benchmark for merchants and planners.
Due to its crucial role in receptor recognition and attachment, IAV HA is considered to be a principal determinant of the host-range. The specificity of the HA of avian influenza viruses is for α-2,3 SA receptors found in the intestinal tract of the bird, whereas α-2,6 SA receptors are predominantly found in the upper respiratory tract of humans. Recently, it has been shown that mutations in the HA protein alter its receptor-binding preference that allows the highly pathogenic avian H5N1 IAV to transmit between mammals [41]. Therefore, it is not surprising that multiple changes in gene segments of the avian influenza virus could result in its adaptation to humans [1]. On the other hand, owing to having both α-2,3 and α-2,6 linkages, pigs and several avian species (pheasants, turkeys, quails) may act as mixing vessels and can generate re-assortment viruses [42,43].
Usually, an avian influenza subtype does not infect humans and a human influenza subtype is unable to infect the birds. However, swine acts as a virus mixer vessel, leading to the generation of new influenza viruses, which can infect both humans and poultry. The mutation and re-assortment of the IAV genome are susceptible to forming new subtypes of influenza virus that may result in widely propagated and destructive pandemics due to the lack of immunity to the emerging pathogen [67]. For example, the outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza in 1997 and the outbreak of H1N1 swine influenza in 2009 caused great panic and brought serious economic losses to the breeding industry.
The influenza virus can be propagated by the direct carrying of the virus, through animal feces, or via the pollution of water. Such propagation can affect a wide range of hosts, including human, livestock, and birds. Importantly, infected wild birds and poultry can be the major source of virus dissemination. Notably, the wide communication of influenza virus significantly increases the odds of genetic mutation and re-assortment [62]. Simultaneously, the variation of the virus caused by genetic mutation and re-assortment also has a serious impact on human and animals.
ThePrinciple of Independent Assortment describes how different genes independentlyseparate from one another when reproductive cells develop. Independentassortment of genes and their corresponding traits was first observed by GregorMendel in 1865 during his studies of genetics in pea plants. Mendel wasperforming dihybrid crosses, which are crosses between organisms that differwith regard to two traits. He discovered that the combinations of traits in theoffspring of his crosses did not always match the combinations of traits in theparental organisms. From his data, he formulated the Principle of Independent Assortment.
We now know that this independent assortment of genes occurs during meiosis ineukaryotes. Meiosis is a type of cell division that reduces the number ofchromosomes in a parent cell by half to produce four reproductive cells calledgametes. In humans, diploid cells contain 46 chromosomes, with 23 chromosomesinherited from the mother and a second similar set of 23 chromosomes inheritedfrom the father. Pairs of similar chromosomes are called homologouschromosomes. During meiosis, the pairs of homologous chromosome are divided inhalf to form haploid cells, and this separation, or assortment, of homologouschromosomes is random. This means that all of the maternal chromosomes will notbe separated into one cell, while the all paternal chromosomes are separatedinto another. Instead, after meiosis occurs, each haploid cell contains amixture of genes from the organism's mother and father. 041b061a72