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50 Cent Blood On The Sand

50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is a third-person shooter video game developed by Swordfish Studios and published by THQ for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It serves as the sequel to 50 Cent: Bulletproof, and was released in February 2009. The game centers around a fictional 50 Cent and G-Unit concert, set in an unspecified location in the Middle East. After the group's payment, a diamond-encrusted skull, is stolen, they must fight to retrieve it back from the thieves.

50 Cent Blood On The Sand

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This is an action game set in a Middle East war zone in which players take on the role of hip-hop star 50 Cent in a quest to track down the thieves of a diamond-encrusted skull. Action is presented from a third-person perspective, with realistically depicted gun violence (pistols, assault rifles, sub-machine guns, rocket launchers, etc.) and hand-to-hand combat (e.g., punches, throws, stabbing and slashing moves). In some cases, players are encouraged through on-screen prompts to kill enemies more quickly to earn bonus points. Splashes of red blood accompany gunshots, knife slashes, and stabbings and can also be seen pooling beneath corpses. One cutscene takes place in a strip club as women in revealing clothing are depicted dancing provocatively. A "heroin distribution center" is mentioned in reference to an enemy character's whereabouts. Some song lyrics contain lines such as "my soldiers slingin," "caine," and "I love to pump crack, love to stay strapped." Characters also use strong profanity (e.g., "sh*t," "f*ck," and "motherf*cker) in dialogue.

  • The game itself is a fairly linear third person shooter with a Gears of War-style cover mechanic. However, the game also has a points-based mechanic similar to that of The Club (no relation to 50's song "In Da Club") in which you gain points by killing enemies, with bonus points offered by fulfilling special timed objectives given to you in several points (usually involving killing specific enemies, or killing them in a specific way) or increasing the value of regular kills by... swearing at your victims. Via the dedicated swear button. These points may then be used in the game's shop where you can buy and upgrade weapons... as well as upgraded swears.This game provides examples of: Aborted Arc: In the opening cutscene, Anwar mentions a man nicknamed The Harvester who will "tear [50 Cent] apart piece by piece" should they ever cross paths. He is never mentioned again. However, it's highly likely that Wilder either is the Harvester, or a character who replaced him at some point during the game's development, since across the final two levels Wilder makes threats of dissecting Fifty and selling his organs, and Fiddy himself outright calls him the Harvester in a throwaway line while breaking open boxes of cash.

  • A.K.A.-47: None of the guns go by their real names. The starting rifle is even a literal version of the trope, being an off-brand AK called the "Klaznikov 47".

  • Blatant Item Placement: Lampshaded when 50 can order guns while inside a burning theater.G-Unit: How the fuck is Raoul supposed to deliver in here? 50: Shut the fuck up. I'm making a call.

  • Bloodless Carnage: Mostly averted, but during the cutscene when Wilder gets into the helicopter and Leila betrays both of them, 50 shoots two of Wilder's men who fall over dead without a single wound or blood splatter.

  • Bloody Hilarious: You can shoot your teammate as much as you like, he won't mind or lose health (or even react). If he is standing next to a wall, you could technically paint the wall with his blood.

  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Aside from his G-Unit allies, the strip club owner, and Raoul, literally every named character who claims to be 50 Cent's ally will betray him at some point.

  • Cluster F-Bomb: It's 50 Cent, what did you expect? There's even a dedicated swear button.

  • Collection Sidequest: In which Fiddy grabs promotional posters of... himself.

  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Short-range weapons are blue and take blue ammo, assault rifles and machine guns are yellow, special weapons like sniper rifles and rocket launchers are red. Enemies will also wear shirts color-coded to this so you can tell at a glance what they're armed with.

  • Convection, Schmonvection: Fire doesn't hurt 50, except during the final boss fight. The G-Unit also won't be hurt by 50's fire bullets.

  • Crapsack World: The unnamed Middle-Eastern country seems like a pretty terrible place to live even before 50 Cent starts tearing it apart looking for his skull.

  • Disc-One Final Boss: Said Kamal. After he's offed, Wilder takes over.

  • Dull Surprise: The default facial state for 50 and G-Unit are rather slack-jawed and blank, even when they are stabbing people to death. Fortunately, they're much more expressive in cutscenes.

  • Everything Fades: Zigzagged. Dead enemies tend to stick around, but if they're burned to death then they fade within seconds.

  • Gatling Good: One sequence has you manning a helicopter mini gun and laying waste to an enemy base.

  • A God Am I: Kamal says as much in the theatre.

  • Hello, [Insert Name Here]: Since the G-Unit partner is interchangeable, 50 never mentions his name when talking to him despite said partner usually going "YO FIDDY!" every five minutes.

  • Hidden Depths: The G-Unit member lampshades several of the game's over-the-top tropes, recognizes a desert castle as Napoleonic on sight, and admires the statuary in the city you're currently destroying. Even 50 is surprised by this.

  • Improbable Use of a Weapon: With the aid of explosive ammo, taking out a helicopter with a handgun.

  • Large Ham: Kamal. Anwar even lampshades it:Anwar: Kamal's base of operations must be deep inside the theatre. He's well known for having a love of the dramatic.

  • Also Wilder, especially during the boss fight with him:Wilder: I will mount your severed head on my gatepost!

  • Made of Iron: 50 Cent can take three RPGs to the chest and survive. Apparently, 50 is not simply bulletproof, but rocketproof as well.

  • Middle Eastern Terrorists: The main enemies of the game.

  • Morton's Fork: The Multiple Endings path mentioned below. If you open the shutters, you apparently doom Leila and her family to death, but Leila betrays you in either path, and Wilder tells you she has no family (though she dies if you do open the shutters, just personally at 50 Cent's hands).

  • Multiple Endings: The two endings depend on whether or not 50 opens the shutters, setting off an alarm and dooming Leila and her family or going the longer way through the level.

  • Mundane Utility: Once 50 gets the expensive diamond-encrusted skull back, he sets it on his dashboard and uses it to hold his cigar.

  • No Cutscene Inventory Inertia: Already guaranteed by only having four of the game's many weapons even show up in cutscenes (the Desert Eagle, Mossberg, AK and M4), but the game goes above and beyond with the latter two - whenever 50 is holding a rifle in a cutscene, it will switch between an M4 and an AK every single time the camera angle changes.

  • No Honor Among Thieves: Said by Wilder after Leila betrays him.

  • No OSHA Compliance: Your G-Unit buddy lampshades this when you reach a construction site. Really.

  • Private Military Contractors: They show up in the first half of the game, zig-zagging between enemies (intercepting a shipment Fifty is escorting in an attempt to get at Kamal), friendly (after Anwar hires them for extra muscle, with Fifty helping them in an armored car heist), and enemies again (betraying Fifty the instant the heist concludes).

  • Qurac: The game never even so much as makes an attempt at explaining where exactly it takes place. Although, the presence of a castle which your G-Unit partner identifies as Napoleonic, and then an actual statue of Napoleon on a horse later in that level, indicates it's probably meant to be either Egypt or Syria.

  • Ragdoll Physics: As usual, it occasionally leads to some hilarious deaths.

  • Refuge in Audacity: Again, a game where you play as 50 Cent, fight your way through the war torn Middle East and gain extra points by swearing at people while you shoot them.

  • Shout-Out: Some of the achievement titles, such as "Lord of the Bling".

  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: You can make 50 swear on command, and he'll partake independent of that, as well. 50: (getting a boost from a partner) Help me the fuck up!

  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: In addition to the dedicated swear button, 50 Cent will often yell out something like "suck on this!" when tossing a grenade.

  • Token Romance: Leila ...and then she backstabs 50.

  • Unnaturally Blue Lighting: Chapter 8's levels have a very strange blue filter, possibly to hide a lighting glitch.

  • Villain Protagonist: 50 Cent himself not only does virtually nothing heroic to justify his actions, but worsens a already war-torn Middle Eastern country all over a crystal skull.

  • Zillion-Dollar Bill: The skull.

If you're a regular listener of ComicsAlliance's War Rocket Ajax podcast, then you're probably already aware that I'm in the habit of picking up video games from a few years back on the cheap while we're waiting on newer titles like Saints Row the Third or Mass Effect 3. My most recent buy was 2009's 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, a game for which official description on the publisher's website is, and I quote, "50 cent is gonna kill all the badguys for REVENGE!!!!"

As a special Valentine's Day gift to me, editor-in-chief Laura Hudson allowed me to review it, despite the fact that it has virtually nothing to do with comics. And it is probably one of the most amazing games I have ever played.In terms of gameplay, Blood on the Sand is a lot like another ancient title that I just got around to recently, Gears of War. It's the same sort of cover-based third-person shooter (or CBTPS) about a character who has the mystical ability to recover from multiple gunshot wounds by ducking behind one of the thousand four foot high stone rectangles littering the landscape, with you hovering over his shoulder, holding down RT while pointing at various members of a nameless horde that you want to die. There's even the mandatory Bullet Time mechanic, hilariously referred to here as "Gangsta Fire." But while I found Gears to be a little boring -- which is weird when you consider that it's a game featuring a rifle with a chainsaw stuck on the end of it for good measure -- BOTS was engaging right from the start. 041b061a72


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