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IBM IMM Activation Key 124: A Guide to Remote Server Management

- Explain what activation keys are and how they enable advanced features on IMM. - Mention that IBM IMM activation key 124 is one of the keys that can be used for accessing IMM console in PureData System for Analytics. H2: How to obtain IBM IMM activation key 124? - Explain how to use the IBM Features on Demand website to generate or retrieve the key. - Explain how to use the IBM License Key Center to generate or return the key. - Provide a table that compares the two methods. H2: How to install IBM IMM activation key 124? - Explain how to use the IMM web interface to add the key. - Explain how to restart the IMM after adding the key. - Provide screenshots or images to illustrate the steps. H2: How to verify that IBM IMM activation key 124 is working? - Explain how to use the IMM web interface to check the status of the key. - Explain how to use the IMM remote control feature to test the key. - Provide screenshots or images to illustrate the steps. H2: How to troubleshoot common issues with IBM IMM activation key 124? - Explain how to resolve some common errors or problems that may occur with the key. - Provide links or references to more resources or support. H2: Conclusion - Summarize the main points of the article. - Provide a call to action or a recommendation for the readers. ## Article with HTML formatting What is IBM IMM and why do you need an activation key?

If you are using IBM servers, you may have heard of IBM Integrated Management Module (IMM). It is a feature that allows you to remotely monitor and manage your servers from anywhere, anytime. With IMM, you can access your server's hardware information, configuration, health, alerts, logs, and more through a web-based interface or a command-line interface.

Ibm Imm Activation Key 124

However, not all features of IMM are available by default. Some features require an activation key to be installed on your server. An activation key is a file that contains a license code that enables a specific feature on your server. For example, if you want to use the remote control feature of IMM, which allows you to remotely power on/off, reboot, or access the graphical console of your server, you need an activation key for that feature.

One of the activation keys that you may need for accessing IMM console in PureData System for Analytics is IBM IMM activation key 124. This key enables the Integrated Management Module Advanced Upgrade feature, which includes remote control, remote presence, and blue-screen capture capabilities.

How to obtain IBM IMM activation key 124?

There are two ways to obtain IBM IMM activation key 124: using the IBM Features on Demand website or using the IBM License Key Center.

The IBM Features on Demand website ( is a tool that allows you to generate or retrieve activation keys for your IBM servers based on your machine type and serial number. You need to sign up or log in with your credentials and then follow these steps:

  • Choose the "Retrieve history" option.

  • Choose "Search history via machine type serial number" as the search type and specify the MT/SN without any spaces in the search value. The machine type should be 4 digits and the serial number should be 7 alphanumeric.

  • Once values are entered hit continue, and a list of license keys that were installed should appear.

  • The FOD key we're looking for is "Integrated Management Module Advanced Upgrade" which you can mark and choose to download.

  • The file would be a .key and would typically contain the MT/SN in the file name.

The IBM License Key Center ( is an online licensing tool that allows you to generate or return license keys for your IBM products based on your order number and site number. You need to sign up or log in with your credentials and then follow these steps:

  • Click on Login to the License Key Center.

  • Log on to the License Key Center using email ID and password.

  • If you do not have a password to log on to IBM License Key Center, click the Don't have a password? link.

  • Enter your contact information, the IBM Site Number, and IBM Sales Order Number that is associated with your order.

  • The person who placed the order has both pieces of information in the IBM Proof of Entitlement (PoE) certificate.

  • The certificate is sent from IBM by email or hardcopy at the time of purchase.

  • After you are added as a member, you receive a welcome email with a temporary password.

  • Log on to IBM License Key Center by using your password.

  • Note: The first time you log on to the IBM License Key Center you are asked to change your temporary password.

The table below compares the two methods of obtaining IBM IMM activation key 124:


IBM Features on Demand website- Easy and fast way to generate or retrieve keys based on MT/SN.- No need to enter order number or site number.- Can view history of keys installed.- Only works for Lenovo servers.- May not have all keys available.- Need Lenovo account credentials.

IBM License Key Center- Works for all IBM products.- Can generate or return keys based on order number and site number.- Can manage multiple accounts and products.- Need order number and site number.- Need IBM account credentials.- May take longer time to process keys.

How to install IBM IMM activation key 124?

Once you have obtained IBM IMM activation key 124, you need to install it on your server using the IMM web interface. Here are the steps:

  • Log on to the IMM user interface using your IP address, username, and password.

  • Choose IMM Management > Activation Key Management.

  • A list of keys that are currently installed on the machine will show up.

  • Choose Add.. and browse for the FOD key file that you downloaded from either method above.

  • You will get a message indicating that the file has been added successfully.

To ensure that changes are pushed, you may consider rebooting the IMM after adding the key. This will only restart the IMM interface and has no impact on production. Here are the steps:

  • Choose IMM Management > Restart IMM.

  • The IMM will take 3-5 mins until it's restarted during this time the web UI is inaccessible.

The following images show how to install and restart the IMM:

How to verify that IBM IMM activation key 124 is working?

To verify that IBM IMM activation key 124 is working, you can use the IMM web interface to check the status of the key and use the remote control feature to test the key. Here are the steps:

  • Log on to the IMM user interface using your IP address, username, and password.

  • Choose Server Management > Server Information > Activation Keys Status.

  • You should see a green check mark next to Integrated Management Module Advanced Upgrade indicating that the key is valid and enabled.

  • To test the remote control feature, choose Remote Control > Remote Control Session > Launch Remote Control Session.

  • You should be able to access the graphical console of your server remotely, as well as power on/off, reboot, or send keystrokes/mouse clicks.

The following images show how to verify and test the IMM:

How to troubleshoot common issues with IBM IMM activation key 124?

Sometimes, you may encounter some issues or errors with IBM IMM activation key 124. Here are some common ones and how to resolve them:

  • If you get an error message saying "This feature requires a valid activation key to be installed" when trying to use the remote control feature, it means that the key is not installed or not valid. You can try to reinstall the key using the steps above or contact IBM support for assistance.

  • If you get an error message saying "The activation key file is invalid" when trying to add the key, it means that the file is corrupted or not compatible with your server. You can try to download the file again from either method above or contact IBM support for assistance.

  • If you get an error message saying "The activation key file already exists" when trying to add the key, it means that the key is already installed on your server. You can check the status of the key using the steps above or contact IBM support for assistance.

  • If you get an error message saying "The activation key file cannot be added" when trying to add the key, it means that there is a problem with your IMM or your server. You can try to restart the IMM using the steps above or contact IBM support for assistance.

If you need more help or information about IBM IMM activation key 124, you can visit these links or references:

  • IBM Features on Demand website:

  • IBM License Key Center:

  • IBM Support:

  • IBM Knowledge Center:


In this article, we have learned what IBM IMM is and why we need an activation key for accessing its advanced features. We have also learned how to obtain, install, verify, and troubleshoot IBM IMM activation key 124. We hope that this article has helped you understand and use IBM IMM activation key 124 better.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We are always happy to hear from you and help you with your needs. Thank you for reading and have a great day!


  • What is IBM IMM?

IBM Integrated Management Module (IMM) is a feature that allows you to remotely monitor and manage your servers from anywhere, anytime.

  • What is IBM IMM activation key 124?

IBM IMM activation key 124 is a file that contains a license code that enables the Integrated Management Module Advanced Upgrade feature on your server.

  • What are the benefits of IBM IMM activation key 124?

IBM IMM activation key 124 enables remote control, remote presence, and blue-screen capture capabilities on your server.

  • How can I obtain IBM IMM activation key 124?

You can obtain IBM IMM activation key 124 using the IBM Features on Demand website or the IBM License Key Center.

  • How can I install IBM IMM activation key 124?

You can install IBM IMM activation key 124 using the IMM web interface.


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